How many time have you been to Cuba?

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Key West, Southern most point

Commonly asked questions

Q: Is it safe to travel to Cuba?

A: Cuba is often quoted as been one of the safest countries in the world for tourists.

Q: Is it possible to fly direct to Cuba from Miami?

A: It is possible to fly direct to Havana from Miami. Many restrictions are in place for normal American Citizens.

See Flying to Cuba

Q: Is it possible to take a ferry to Cuba from Florida?

A: At present, it is impossible to take a ferry directly to Cuba from the USA.

Q: I am an American Citizen is it legal to go to Cuba

A: It is perfectly legal for US citizens to go to Cuba.

Q: With our own sailboat can we travel to Cuba by boat

A: Cuba has no restrictions on private boat owners sailing to Cuba.

Q: Do I need any vaccinations when traveling to Cuba?

A: The only recommended vaccination is (Hepatitis A).

Q: Can I take my dog with me to Cuba?

A: You can take your pet with you, though it will require a lot of paper work.

Q: Can you recommend where to stay in Havana Cuba?

A: Cuba has many places to stay, catering to all types of budgets. One of the favorites is the Hotel Florida Havana Cuba. .

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cuba is safe

flying to cuba from miami

Ferry to Cuba from Florida

American passport

sailing to cuba

travel vaccinations for cuba

pet carry bag

Hotel Florida Havana Cuba
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